17.1 The Management Committee has overall responsibility for the management of the affairs of the Club but it shall appoint permanent sub-committees as follows:
- 17.1.1 Men’s Playing Committee:
Generally responsible for matters solely the affairs of the men and shall consist of Men’s Club Captain and Team Captains.- 17.1.2 Women’s Playing Committee:
Generally responsible for matters solely the affairs of the women and shall consist of Women’s Club Captain and Team Captains.- 17.1.3 Bar Committee:
Generally responsible for matters concerning the Club House, the Bar, catering activities and social activities and shall consist of the Bar Secretary, Facilities Co-ordinator, Social Secretary and all volunteer bar staff.
17.2 Terms of reference of these subcommittees may vary from time to time as circumstance require and will be decided by the Management Committee.
17.3 Other subcommittees may be formed to undertake specific functions as the necessity arises. Such subcommittees may include co-opted members but must include a member of the Management Committee.